Moments Like This...

...the faces and places that change us
-Haiti trip March 9th-17th-

Moments we wait for...

Moments like this...

and this...

The pretty pictures...

happy thoughts...
are what we want to see...and feel...

and how blessed we are to receive these moments...
We are truly thankful for them!

But oh how easy to ignore the numbers...the regrettable statistics telling us billions are dying from starvation and preventable disease. Children...thousands of children...will die before we fall asleep tonight. 
This is hard for us to hear. Harder to imagine. 
And honestly, why would we want to imagine it?

But when you do choose to see...when the reality becomes more than an statistic...when numbers put on flesh...


When we watch these
playing outside.
Playing with little girls at Hope Orphanage in Croix des Bouquets
When we play with them...

Kids at Maison de Enfants de dieu (For His Glory Orphanage)

When we walk past their rooms...

The statistic could be any one of these...

who have shared their stories with us...

Children at the tent city orphanage in Cité Soleil

and listened to ours.
Whose hands have reached out...

Whose hands we have held.

They are easier to ignore before you see their faces.

They are the faces we have seen but don't know...
Those we know and have prayed for...
and the ones we won't easily forget.

They are easy to ignore before you know their names.
Elita Marguerite and Esmée 
when you no longer have to imagine...

When we dress them up...

...and they don't look like dirty orphans.

And all of a sudden numbers are real and personal.

We can go on pretending they're not real...

Until we hold them in our arms...

And they become our family...

Thank you to Betsy Hurley for the photos in this post (March 2011)




Moments Like This

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